.avs ---- Intel video capture format
.b64 ---- Base 64, encoding format used by the MIME.
.bad ---- Bad file (Oracle)
.bak ---- Backup file
.bar ---- UNIX BAR Archive
.bas ---- BASIC source file
.bat ---- Batch job (MS-DOS)
.bay ---- DOS batch file
.bbs ---- Bulletin Board System
.bcp ---- Borland C++ makefile
.bcw ---- Borland C++ environment settings
.bfc ---- Briefcase document (Windows)
.bfm ---- Font metrics - UNIX
.bga ---- OS/2 Bitmap
.bib ---- Bibliography (ASCII)
.bib ---- BibTex
.bin ---- Driver
.bin ---- A MacBinary II+ encoded file
.binary ---- Untyped Binary Data
.bk ---- Backup file
.bk ---- Faxbook (JetFax)
.bk! ---- Backup file (WordPerfect Windows)
.bk$ ---- Backup file
.bkf ---- Backup file (Microsoft)
.blk ---- Temporary file (WordPerfect Windows)
.bm ---- Bitmap graphics file
.bmp ---- Windows Bitmap
.bnk ---- Sim City game file
.boo ---- BOO Encoded File
.brx ---- Browse Index (multimedia CD-ROMs)
.bst ---- BibTex Style
.btm ---- Batch file (Norton Utilities
.bup ---- Backup file
.buy ---- Movie datafile
.bw ---- SGI Image
.c ---- C Source file
.c++ ---- C++ source
.c00 ---- Ventura Print file
.ca ---- Cache data (root domain server)
.cab ---- microsoft compressed format
.cal ---- Calendar or CALS
.cal ---- Spreadsheet (SuperCalc)
.cap ---- Caption (Ventura Publisher)
.cas ---- Comma-delimted ASCII file
.cbl ---- Cobol source file
.cbt ---- Computer-Based Training; a tutorial file
.cc ---- C++ source code file
.cch ---- Corel chart
.ccm ---- Lotus cc:Mail
.cct ---- Director Shockwave file (Macromedia)
.cda ---- CD Audio track
.cdr ---- Vector graphics file (Corel Draw)
.cdt ---- Corel Draw Data
.cdx ---- Visual FoxPro database index
.cel ---- Graphics (Autodesk Animator)
.cfb ---- Comptons multimedia encyclopedia
.cfg ---- Configuarion file
.cfl ---- Corel Flow
.cfm ---- ColdFusion Markup language
.cgi ---- Common Gateway Interface (script)
.cgm ---- Graphics Meta file
.ch ---- Clipper Header file
.chd ---- Font Description
.chk ---- Checkdisk (CHKDSK) Recovered file
.chk ---- Temporary file (WordPerfect Windows)
.chl ---- Configuration History Log
.chp ---- Chapter file (Ventura)
.chr ---- ASCII character file (MegaZeux)
.cif ---- Chapter Information File (Ventura)
.cim ---- Sim City file
.cit ---- Intergraph scanned image
.ckb ---- Keyboard mapping (Borland C++)
.cl ---- Common LISP source file
.class ---- CodeWarrior Class
.class ---- Java Class File
.clp ---- Windows Clipboard
.clp ---- Clip art (Quattro Pro)
.cls ---- C++ class definition file
.cmd ---- file of commands, OS/2 batch file
.cmf ---- Corel MetaFile
.cmf ---- FM-music file (Creative Music File)
.cmf ---- SoundBlaster file
.cmk ---- Card (Card Shop Plus)
.cmp ---- LEAD Technologies graphics
.cmv ---- Apple Viewer file
.cmv ---- CorelMove (animation)
.cmv ---- Corel Presentation Exchange Image
.cmv ---- Corel PhotoPaint Image
.cnc ---- general program data
.cnf ---- Configuration file
.cnq ---- Compuworks Design Shop
.cnv ---- data conversion support (Word for Windows)
.cnv ---- Temporary file (WordPerfect Windows)
.cob ---- COBOL source code
.cod ---- Program compiled code (FORTRAN)
.col ---- Spreadsheet (Microsoft Multiplan)
.com ---- Command file, excutable, smaller version of .EXE (DOS)
.conf ---- Configuration file
.cp ---- C++ Source file
.cpe ---- Fax Cover document
.cpl ---- Code Page (DOS)
.cpl ---- Control Panel (Windows)
.cpp ---- C++ Source file
.cpr ---- Knowledge Access graphics
.cpt ---- Compact Pro compressed file
.cpx ---- Corel Presentation Exchange compressed file
.cpz ---- COMPOZ Music text file
.crd ---- Windows Cardfile
.crp ---- Encrypted database (dBASE IV)
.crs ---- Conversion Resource (WordPerfect)
.crt ---- Digital Certificate
.crt ---- Oracle terminal settings information
.csc ---- Corel Script
.csm ---- Precompiled headers (Borland C++)
.css ---- Cascading Style Sheet, Cascading StyleSheets
.csv ---- Comma Separated Values text file (ASCII)
.csv ---- Comma delimited, MS Excel
.ct ---- Scitex-CT
.ctl ---- Control file
.cty ---- City file (SimCity)
.ctx ---- Ciphertext file (PGP-RSA)
.cuf ---- C Utilities Form (definition)
.cul ---- Windows cursor library
.cur ---- Windows cursor image
.cut ---- Dr. Halo graphics
.cv ---- Microsoft CodeView
.cvp ---- Cover page (WinFax)
.cvs ---- Canvas graphics file
.cwk ---- Claris Works
.cws ---- Claris Works Template
.cxx ---- C++ source file (Zortech)
.dat ---- Data file
.db ---- Database file
.dbc ---- Visual FoxPro database
.dbf ---- Database file
.dbf ---- FoxBase+ file
.dbg ---- Symbolic debugging info (C/C++)
.dbk ---- Database backup
.dbm ---- Datafile
.dbo ---- Compiled Program (dBase IV)
.dbs ---- Database (SQL Windows)
.dbs ---- Printer description
.dbt ---- Database Text
.dbt ---- Database memo file
.dbt ---- Style Memo (FoxPro)
.dbw ---- DataBoss Windows file
.dbx ---- DATABEAM graphics
.dca ---- IBM text
.dcf ---- Disk image file
.dcp ---- Data CodePage (OS2)
.dcr ---- Shockwave file
.dcs ---- Color Separation (CMYK) EPS
.dcs ---- Datafile (ACT!)
.dct ---- Database Dictionary
.dct ---- Spell check dictionary
.dcx ---- Bitmap graphics
.dcx ---- PCX Images
.dd ---- DiskDoubler compressed file
.ddb ---- Bitmap graphics
.ddi ---- Disk Doubler Image file
.ddi ---- Diskdupe Image file
.ddp ---- Device Driver Profile (OS2)
.deb ---- Debug script (DOS)
.def ---- Definition (C++)
.dem ---- Demonstration
.der ---- Certificate
.dev ---- Device driver file
.dfv ---- Printing form (Word)
.dg ---- Autotrol graphics
.dgn ---- Intergraph graphics
.dgs ---- Diagnostics
.dht ---- Datafile
.dia ---- Diagraph graphics
.dib ---- Device-independent bitmap graphics
.dic ---- Dictionary (MS Word Custom Dictionary)
.dif ---- Database (VisiCalc)
.dif ---- Data Interchange Format (spreadsheet)
.dip ---- Graphics
.dir ---- Directory file (VAX)
.dir ---- Movie file (Shockwave)
.dir ---- Movie file (Director)
.dis ---- Distribution file (VAX)
.dis ---- Thesaurus (Corel)
.diz ---- BBS Descriptive file
.dkb ---- Raytraced graphics
.dld ---- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)
.dl ---- DL Animation
.dll ---- Dynamic Link Library (Windows DLL)
.dll ---- Export/import (CorelDRAW)
.dls ---- Disklock Setup (Norton)
.dmg ---- Disk Image (Mac OS X)
.dmo ---- Demo
.dmp ---- Dump file
.dms ---- Compressed file archive (Diskmasher/Amiga)
.doc ---- Document (ASCII or MS Word)
.dos ---- Network driver
.dos ---- Text file for DOS
.dot ---- Word for Windows Template
.dot ---- Line type definition (CorelDRAW)
.dox ---- MultiMate document
.doz ---- Description Out Zip
.dp ---- Calendar (Daily Planner)
.dpi ---- Dots Per Inch (graphics)
.dpr ---- Delphi project file (C++)
.dqy ---- Excel Database Query
.drs ---- Display Resource (WordPerfect)
.drv ---- Device driver (printer)
.drw ---- Graphics file (Micrografx)
.ds4 ---- Designer graphics, version 4
.dsc ---- Discard file (Oracle)
.dsd ---- Database (DataShaper)
.dsk ---- Project desktop file (Borland C++)
.dsf ---- Designer graphics, version 6
.dsm ---- Digital Sound Module
.dsn ---- Design
.dsr ---- Driver Resource (WordPerfect)
.dss ---- Sound file (Digital Soup)
.dsw ---- Desktop Settings (Borland C++)
.dta ---- Data file
.dtd ---- Document Type Definition (SGML)
.dtf ---- Database file (PFS)
.dv ---- DV Video
.dvc ---- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)
.dvi ---- TeX DVI document
.dvi ---- Device Independent document
.dvi ---- Full-motion video file (Micrografx)
.dvp ---- Device Paramater file (AutoCAD)
.dw2 ---- Drawing (DesignCAD)
.dwc ---- Compressed file archive (DWC)
.dwf ---- Drawing Web Format (Autodesk Whip! Viewer and Volo View)
.dwg ---- Drawing file (AutoCAD)
.dx ---- Text file (DEC)
.dx ---- Document Imaging
.dxf ---- Drawing Interchange File Format (AutoCAD 3D)
.dxr ---- Shockwave Movie
.dyn ---- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)
.ebj ---- Error checking object file
.ed5 ---- EDMICS graphics
.edt ---- Default Settings (VAX editor)
.eeb ---- Equation Editor button bar (WordPerfect Windows)
.efx ---- Fax (Everex)
.ega ---- Display font (Ventura Publisher)
.el ---- Elisp source file (Emacs lisp)
.elc ---- Compiled Elisp code (Emacs lisp)
.elm ---- Microsoft Theme
.emf ---- Enhanced Metafile
.emf ---- E-mail file
.eml ---- Electronic Mail (Outlook Express)
.ems ---- Enhanced Menu System Config (PC Tools)
.emu ---- Terminal emulation data
.enc ---- Encoded file (UUENCODE)
.enc ---- Music (Encore)
.end ---- Arrow-head definition file (CorelDRAW)
.env ---- Environment file (WordPerfect Windows)
.eps ---- Encapsulated PostScript (vector graphics)
.eps ---- Printer font (Ventura Publisher)
.epsf ---- Encapsulated PostScript File
.eqn ---- Equation (WordPerfect Windows)
.err ---- Error Messge/Log
.esh ---- Extended Shell batch file
.esi ---- Esri plot file
.etx ---- SEText
.evt ---- Event log
.evy ---- Document (WordPerfect Envoy)
.exe ---- Executable file (MS-DOS)
.ext ---- Extension file (Norton)
.f ---- Fortran source file
.f01 ---- Fax
.f06-16 ---- Screen text font, 6-16 pixels (DOS)
.f77 ---- Fortran 77 source file
.f96 ---- Fax
.faq ---- ASCII Text
.fax ---- Frequently Asked Questions
.fax ---- Fax file (raster graphics)
.fc ---- Dictionary (Harvard Graphics)
.fd ---- Fortran Declaration file (Microsoft)
.fdf ---- Acrobat Forms Data Format
.fdx ---- Force Index
.ffl ---- Fast Find File (Microsoft)
.fh3-4 ---- Freehand 3-4 (vector graphics)
.fi ---- Fortran Interface file
.fif ---- Fractal Image format
.fil ---- Files list object file (dBASE)
.fil ---- Overlay (WordPerfect)
.fit ---- File Index Table (WindowsNT)
.fit ---- Flexible Image Transport
.fix ---- Patch file
.fky ---- Macro file (FoxPro)
.flc ---- Animation file (Autodesk, FLIC)
.fld ---- Thumbnail folder (Hijaak)
.fli ---- Animation file (Autodesk)
.flo ---- Micrografx FlowCharter
.flr ---- Live3D
.flt ---- Filter (graphic conversion)
.fm ---- Framemaker
.fm ---- FileMaker Pro Database
.fm3 ---- Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 v3)
.fm3 ---- Device driver (Harvard Graphics)
.fmB ---- File Manager Button bar (WordPerfect Windows)
.fmk ---- Fortran Makefile
.fmo ---- Compiled format file (dBASE)
.fmt ---- Format (dBASE)
.fmt ---- Screen format
.fnc ---- Frogans Network Certificate
.fnt ---- Font file
.fO1-02 ---- Font file (Borland)
.fog ---- Fontographer font
.fon ---- Bitmapped Font (Windows)
.fon ---- Phone file
.for ---- FORTRAN source code
.fot ---- Windows TrueType font
.fox ---- FoxBase
.fp ---- FileMaker Pro
.fp1 ---- Flying Pigs
.fp3-5 ---- FileMaker v3-5
.fpc ---- FoxPro Catalog
.fpt ---- FoxPro Memo
.fpx ---- FlashPix bitmap
.frf ---- Font (FontMonger)
.frm ---- Report form file (dBASE, VisualBasic)
.frs ---- WordPerfect Graphics Driver
.frt ---- Report memo (FoxPro)
.frx ---- Report (FoxPro)
.fsl ---- Form (Paradox)
.fsx ---- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)
.ftm ---- Font (Micrografx)
.fts ---- Flexible Image Transport
.fw ---- Database (Framework)
.fxp ---- Compiled format (FoxPro)
.fxs ---- Fax Transmit Format (WinFax)
.g4 ---- GTX RasterCAD
.gbl ---- Global definitions
.gc1 ---- Lisp Source code
.gca ---- GOCA graphics
.gcd ---- Graphics file
.gcf ---- Graphing Calculator file
.gdf ---- Dictionary file
.ged ---- Arts & Letters graphics
.ged ---- Graphics Editor
.gem ---- GEM Metafile
.gem ---- Vectir Graphics file (Ventura)
.gen ---- Compiled template (dBASE)
.gen ---- Generated text (Ventura)
.gep ---- Geode
.geo ---- VideoScope
.gib ---- Graph-in-the-Box Chart
.gif ---- Graphics Interchange Format bitmap (CompuServe)
.giw ---- .Presentation (Graph-in-the-Box)
.gl ---- GL Animation
.gly ---- Glossary
.gp3 ---- CCITT compressed Group 3-4 TIFF file
.gph ---- .Graph (Lotus 1-2-3)
.gr2 ---- .Screen driver (Windows 3.x)
.gra ---- Microsoft Graph
.grn ---- Ms-DOS Shell Monitor file
.grf ---- Graphic file (Micrografx)
.grp ---- Group definition (Windows)
.grp ---- Pictures Group
.gs1 ---- Presentation
.gsd ---- Vector graphics (Professional Draw)
.gsw ---- GraphShow Worksheet
.gx1 ---- Show Partner graphics
.gxl ---- Graphics Library
.gz ---- Unix file compuressed by GZIP
.h ---- C Header
.h ---- C Include file